I Voted

I voted today. This was my first time to vote in many years. During the Presidential election, I was sick to my stomach about going to the poll out of fear I would choose wrong.  What if my vote loses? What if my candidate wins but then does a bad job? What if people knew how I voted? Would they still like me?  Is this my only shot to have a voice? So many questions! So I just didn’t vote. I still regret it.  Fear can be crippling at its surface.  But when I get to the root of my fear, I know it’s really about possibly being rejected for being unworthy, different, wrong, or not good enough.   When I can face that - when any of us can go there - healing begins. 

So today I walked right in – proudly, calmly, confidently – and checked those boxes.  I didn’t ask myself any of those questions or have any of the same fears as before.  I trusted my choice and opinion.  I gathered information beforehand and asked myself what was important to me. I didn’t look at people’s yard signs or poll my friends to make a decision. Although many of the signs in the yards next to me felt like they were screaming, “you’re wrong!” But I didn’t care. It doesn’t phase me like it used to when I notice I might be different.  I embrace the beauty that my neighbor and I both get to have an opinion and vote. 

Here’s my point.  We hear all the time how important it is to speak your own voice. But do you even know what your voice is saying?  Is it overpowered by all the voices around you – and it’s so loud you can’t hear what is really YOU?  Before fighting the fight, know what you are fighting for…and why.  And go into battle confidently knowing you never really lose when you honor yourSELF.  


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