Black and White

It is often suggested that we not see things so black and white. There is always much gray in the middle. Or there are so many other colors in the spectrum.  Most days I get this idea - even embrace it.  But on this day, I couldn't help but recognize the beauty of the extremes.  

I watched my boys walk with their cousins through a corn maze.  It is rare that I think about the color differences in our family. I just know they are my kids, and it doesn’t cross my mind until we are curiously inspected by others.  Then I remember, oh yeah, we are a different color!  But the day I watched them walk with their cousins I realized how beautiful that difference is - how complimenting our differences can be.  It doesn’t have to be about different being wrong or weird – but different being normal.  I thought about how some children are born into families and how others are placed into families – both offer gifts.   We can celebrate our differences, embrace them, walk together in them, let them glow in the light of each other.

This picture reminds me of more than color and race.  It makes me think of religion, sexuality, politics, choices, opinions, personalities.  It reminds me that black and white are necessary in order to have a colorful world.  We are all beautifully and wonderfully made, and we are all just trying to walk the crazy, twisting, maze of life together.    


I Voted

