What Is Your Headache Telling You?

Have you ever had a headache that no matter how many Excedrin you take it just won't go away?  Or the ongoing stomach ache for which you can't find a remedy?  Our feelings, thoughts, life events, and traumas can become stored in the body.  And even if an extra Advil does work for awhile, it can't keep the pain from recurring until the root cause is understood.  Sometimes the root may be a deeper medical issue.  And almost always there is an emotional component as well.  Our brain, the control center for our emotions, talks to all parts of our bodies; therefore, when we have an emotional release it may offer a physical release as well.  I remember a time I had the most horrible headache, and once I got a good cry out I felt so much better!

A resource I love is a book called "Heal Your Body A-Z"  by Louise Hay.  You can look up a specific ailment you are suffering and she suggests the probable emotional cause and offers a new thought pattern.  For example on page 38 she notes:

Probable Cause: Invalidating the Self. Self-criticism. Fear
New Thought Pattern:  I love and approve of myself.  I see myself and what I do with eyes of love.  I am safe.

Because of this powerful mind-body connection, many of the referrals I get come from doctors - when all remedies and medicines have been tried, but the pain is still there - we explore the emotional block.  This is why I'm so excited to team up with Dr. Carolyn Maxfield of Middle Tennessee Center for Alternative Medicine.  Each month we are offering a FREE 1 hour process group for anyone interested in learning more about the mind-body connection and gaining tools for dealing with the emotional components of their physical pain. 

Our next meeting will be:

Wednesday, April 30 • 5:30-6:30pm • MTCAM office -7123 Crossroads Blvd Suite A, Brentwood, TN 37027

This month's topic will be on how depression and painful life events often show up in the body.  All are welcome to join and bring a friend!  RSVP to drcarolynmaxfield@gmail.com.


Mother Guilt


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