
Don’t you love watching award shows – when you wait with anticipation to see who wins and then you hear their victory speech and the gratitude they bestow on all those who supported them along the way?  This was especially fun for me last week watching the Country Music Association (CMA) awards.   I was so proud to hear my husband’s name mentioned in two of those victory speeches, because I know the hard work he has given this year.  Then I had texts and facebook messages coming in like crazy saying, “was that Todd’s name I just heard on the CMA’s?  How cool!”  Everyone wants to be appreciated. Everyone wants to be thanked.  Everyone wants their work acknowledged.  And even though we don’t all get to hear it on live television, it feels good no matter how we hear it.

In this season of Thanksgiving, I invite you to have your own “award show” of sorts.


What have you accomplished this year? 

What are you proud of yourself for?   

Have you worked very hard for something specific this year?

Have you overcome a major hurdle or struggle?


Whatever your answer to the questions above, spend some time rewarding yourself for what you’ve accomplished.  Show YOURSELF gratitude for how hard you’ve worked and/or what you have overcome.  Maybe this means something simple like starting a gratitude journal.  Or maybe something bigger like finally taking that vacation you have needed.  Or maybe you treat yourself to a massage or a hike with a friend. What is your award ceremony? 


Thank those who have been with you on this journey.  You may not get to go on live television to do this, but I promise a phone call, email, or card still goes a long way when you are letting someone know how much you appreciate them.  There is such a gift for both the giver and receiver when we reach out in gratitude.  It is incredibly therapeutic to hear and say a simple, “thank you.” 


In Hopeful Anticipation

