Mood Management wtih Essential Oils


Did you know that essential oils not only have physical healing properties, but emotional as well? In his book Emotions and Essential Oils, Daniel McDonald notes the five stages of healing with essential oils:

1.     Essential oils assist in healing the physical body

2.     Essential oils assist in healing the heart

3.     Essential oils assist in releasing limiting beliefs

4.     Essential oils increase spiritual awareness and connection

5.     Essential oils inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose

      One of my favorite oils is Bergamot, “the oil of self acceptance.”  Daniel McDonald notes, “Bergamot is a wonderful anti-depressant.  It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self.  Bergamot teaches individuals to let go of self-judgment by learning to love themselves unconditionally.”

To learn more about Bergamot and the many emotional benefits of other essential oils, Dr. Carolyn Maxfield and I welcome you to join us for a class on “Mood Management with Essential Oils.” You will have the opportunity to explore your limiting beliefs about yourself (which can manifest as physical pain in your body!), experience the oils, and learn more about how they may help if you feel emotionally “stuck.”

WHEN:  Thursday, July 10 – 6:30-8:30pm (class will be approximately 1.5 hrs with time at the end for questions. Dr. Maxfield is also willing to muscle test you on the oils as time allows)

WHERE:  MTCAM office - 7123 Crossroads Blvd. Suite A, Brentwood, TN 37027

RSVP: or 615-656-3558

***If you cannot attend the class but would like more info about essential oils, please email me at


Finding Your Rhythm

